Bringing the highest quality coffee from the plantation to the world
Original Mandailing Arabica Coffee is the world’s finest premium gourmet coffee which is grown in Mandailing, North Sumatra. This specialty coffee is known for its earthy aroma, dark chocolate flavour, low acidity and great after taste. Its unique name Mandailing came from the name of the ethnic locals who live and cultivate this coffee in the district of Ulupungkut, Mandailing in the mountain range of 1,000 to 1,200 meters above sea level near the border of North Sumatra and West Sumatra

We bring highest quality coffee from our crop to your cup

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Sianhuta Ground Coffee
250 g
Grind level : Medium
Roast Level : Medium
Sumatera Mandailing arabica coffee is the world’s finest gourmet coffee. This specialty coffee is famous for its earthy aroma, dark chocolate flavour, low acidity, and great aftertaste.
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